Saturday, June 27, 2009

六月二十六日 Michael Jackson走了 (1958-2009)

今天早上,刚起床还糊糊涂涂的我,下楼下要放吵个不停的Nana出笼的时候,坐在饭厅看电视的哥哥突然告诉我,“Michael Jackson死了!”。我那时立刻吓醒过来,问哥哥几次是不是真的。。。很难相信MJ突然死了!我跑回上房间拿我的眼镜,还没洗刷换衣,就坐在饭厅看电视播着有关MJ因cardiac arrest而死的新闻。。。这么大件事一定要sms告诉倩敏! 倩敏也吓到>"< 她本来也不相信的,听了radio后,才肯相信是真的。。。当天整天的电视新闻节目和radio都是播关于MJ事和歌,可见MJ的死亡轰动了很多很多人。。。

一路来都没怎样理会关于MJ的事或歌的我并不能说自己是MJ的歌迷,可是有谁不喜欢听MJ的歌呢?不管是什么年龄,不管是那个generation,不管是在这世界那个角落的人。。。都一定会认识MJ和听过他的歌!他的歌和舞蹈是永远不会过时的!He had brought music to a whole new level, he had inspired a lot of past and present music artists, he had dedicated most of his life to share his love to the world through his music。。。He was and will always be the King of pop! 他的去世能受那么多人的注目都是因为he had touched many people's lives。。。我记得我还小时候,我和我的家人经常有一起看MJ的MTV,我那时还小,听不懂他在唱什么,可是他的歌声和舞蹈却吸引着了我看。。。我的哥哥有一次听着MJ的歌跳舞,不小心把头撞到床角,然后要连线,到现在还留着那条小疤痕。。。妈妈说那条疤痕是MJ送给哥哥作纪念的~哈哈~

MJ除了因为他的歌出名之外,他神秘奇怪的生活也是他出名的原因。MJ从4岁表演到他长大,growing up with so many people watching him, it's hard for him to not be different. It's sad that he never get the chance to have a normal childhood. 那么多年来,关于MJ的是非超多,可是除了MJ之外,没有人能确定那些谣言是真的。。。 可是我只选择相信好的。。。I believe he's a kind, loving person with a lot of soul...

I can imagine him singing with angles and doing his moonwalk in heaven right now...
R.I.P Michael Jackson.We're all missing you~~


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