Thursday, January 7, 2010

26/11/09 My 19th birthday/ Interview at IMU!

我生日当天的下午要到IMU去interview!I was so nervous! 紧张得快翻胃了~ 两位亲爱的姐姐陪我去IMU,心情才能冷静下来少少~幸好interview我的两位印度人不是很严。。。我忘了说过什么,只记得一直和他们傻笑。。。 LOL~ I can't help to smile when i'm nervous!

刚巧父母去了泰国旅行来不及回来和我庆祝生日,干妈和干爹请我到每年必去的Legend吃日本晚餐^^ My main highlight of the night is that i finally got a NEW HTC MOBILE PHONE!!!!! YEAH~! Thanks to my whole family gap money buy for me! :D 我起初真的以为那个手机盒子只是用来装别的东西罢了~ Kok Hong还问我为什么没有反应... LOL~太惊讶了~真的不可思议! 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My December

1/12 First outing with Anitha to 1U to watch New Moon!
Don't really like the story.... kinda boring.... all them have the same face expression from the beginning till the end... ZzzZZzz.... the only climax is when Jacob take off his shirt! So HOT! LOL~ xD

Hate Bella so much in this movie! She's such a b***h! She only wants Jacob to stay when Edward is away... Jacob is sooooo sweet to her~ pity him lar~ If she doesn't want Jacob, Anitha and I want! HAHA... There is one thing i don't understand is how can a 100+years old ah pek Edward would fall in love with a childish 17 years old girl?! It doesn't make sense to me :/ I want to slap Bella when she was so crazy super emo when Edward left! Just get over with it will cha?! Jacob is so much better! LOL!

5/12 和哥哥& June去SkyTrex!
超好玩的!这次玩的是BigThrill, 有机会必再回去玩Extreme Challenge! :)
6/12 阿妈生日



7/12 0807BS1-Dinner at Mr Gaura's new apartment
第一次吃印度人的vegeterian food, 还蛮不错的。他们做的素鸡和鱼的样子和味道都很像真的leh~ 我那晚是最后一个离开餐桌的。。。饱得要绷着肚子回家xD

13/12 Outing with min min~^o^
Haven't seen min min for about 3months because of my A2exam. Glad to be able to finally see her again:) Had a lot in mind to share with her... We went Midvalley, hoping to watch Christmas Charol or Princess & the Frog but only seats from the first roll were left... so we decided to watch 风云which SUCK like hell!!!! Terrible movie! Too much slow motion and close up.... plus the story wasn't good either =.=" hate the director who make the actresses look like brainless bimbos who only need to act innocent... Min slept and i was praying for the movie to end asap. After that, we went to Pasta Zanmai for lunch, took some pic with thechrismas decorations, then drove to Zinc Art gallery at Bangsar. The gallery wasn't as great as i thought it would be. The place was small and there wasn't that much to see.... but it was fun taking silly pic with the arts:D

17/12 4.25pm - IELTS speaking test

唉~以为考完Alevel后就可以暂时放松心情休息。。。可是为了要apply去IMU念牙科,我必须考IELTS,可恶!最讨厌考语文科!我最大的弱点!要考我的口才=要我的命!Luckily the examiner that day was very merciful.... she didn't ask me hard questions but i had problem forming the sentences in my head b4 speaking... X(

19/12 8.00am - IELTS listening, reading, writing test
Listening and reading test was fine. The writing test shouldn't be hard too but the time constraint was very tight... i only left 5mins to write the last 2 paragraphs! It wasn't good but i'm just glad that i manage to finish it. Hehe:)
20/12 Ah Fei 向大姐求婚!
我们都已有预感大姐将会嫁给Ah Fei了,只是没想到Ah Fei会那么快主动向大姐求婚!很高兴有Ah Fei加入我们的family:) 感觉上我好像又多了一个哥哥疼我^^yeah~ 可以看很多download的HQ movies了! hehe:P

他们很有夫妻相哦~ so sweet!:)

22/12 FREE makeup and photoshoot at The Gardens

姐姐帮我买化妆品上RM90,就有免费makeup, set头发和拍照。那天是个日本美女化装师帮我makeup的^^拍了十多张照,可是那个摄影师只让我选一张罢了:( 算了吧~ 我回家自己自拍到够够!哈哈! 很久没自拍了...

24/12 Christmas Eve!

Went Pavillion with min min to watch Sherlock Holmes and buy X'mas gifts (budget >RM10) for 干妈's christmas party that night. 干妈loves party! A lot of ppl went to the party at her house that night. Didn't know most of the ppl...XP whatever~ Buffet dinner was ok.... i just like the tiny cupcakes^^ They gathered everyone's gift under a pretty x'mas tree. We had to play some games to get the gifts. I got a stupid box of biscuit:( but i had fun so it's fine^^

晴&敏的圣诞节礼物—We shall fly side by side towards our dreams^^ best friends forever!

25/12 Merry Christmas!!!
早上和哥哥&June去PJ的一间教堂听那里的基督教人唱歌,讲耶稣。。。it was so croweded there! Got many ppl outside wanted to get in the chruch also no seats ard~ Jesus sure has a lot of enthusiastic fans. LOL~ I'm not a fan of jesus but I love their christmas songs:)
由于哥哥&June来不及去看他们book了票的Avatar,我和倩敏那天有免费戏看了^o^yeah! 还有蛮舒服的couple seats坐tim~ 有很多位让我们放脚... 我们就是那么粗鲁的呀~ hehe:P Avatar正啊!!!!!本来没有兴趣看的,可是太多人说好看了。。。果然真的好看极了!再看多几次都行!LOL... 他们的USB很厉害叻~ 我也想要x) 我很喜欢戏里的女主角Neytiri!so HOT!

27/12 全家福


Tuesday, November 17, 2009




I grew out of you

十一月十七日 又毕业了!

今天12点正,漫长的A2大考终于结束了!很兴奋啊!从这刻开始,我不需再烦怎么决定该温书还是睡午觉了^o^ woohoo~~ 我要看很多很多戏,我要旅行,我要找朋友lepak,我要运动。。。 现在只有“我要”!没有“我必要”!我不能再呆在家里了!我整家人都觉得我是书呆子~T-T~ 酱真的有考试嘛~

很久没update blog了。。。 这四个月里,除了忙着准备考试之外,我,Anitha和Ian都抽了不少时间来做好我们College的第一本yearbook。在考完A2 trail的第二天,我们就要去cheras的一间printing factory( DI PRINT SOLUTIONS) 交yearbook的“蓝图”。要publish一本书真的不简单,有很多方面必顾虑。。。每天要注意college里的一切活动,催人写articles,拍照,设计yearbook,估计budget, 找sponsorship。。。Luckily we have Anitha to keep everything on the right track. It has been a great experience publishing this book with you... I really really REALLY apprieciate it:)

TCSH first yearbook!
~The Beacon~

These are the pages i designed! ^^

but somehow they didn't come out exactly the same after printing:/

今天考完试后,我们一起去Miss Jeniffer家探望她两个月大的双胞胎,他们很可爱呢~ 俩都是男的,他们只相差两分钟。Mr Gaura也有跟我们一起去,他抱着baby的样子很可爱咯,好像也很恨不得有自己的baby那样...lolx。做妈妈很辛苦eh~ 我们只在她的家逗留了大约一个小时,她就帮她的baby换了三四片尿布,喂奶,摇晃baby使他们入睡。。。Miss Jeniffer说有她的妈妈帮手照顾也很难搞。当Baby哭叫妈妈,老师就叫她的妈妈~ 蛮搞笑的。。。时间过得真快,从Miss Jeniffer告诉我们她有了,然后宣布她要辞职养胎。。。现在回想起来好像不久的事。老师生了双胞胎对我来说还是件蛮突然的事,不知为什么觉得很得意酱。过后因为怕打搅她太久,我们就先告别了。。。有点不舍得eh~ 可能没有机会再见到她了。。。

Today is a very special day because today is also Lily's birthday!
sorry that i couldn't make it to the curve tonight to celebrate your birthday with you... but not to worry~ we shall celebrate everyone's november birthday again next week ok? wish you happy always!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

七月二十二日 大姐生日

Happy Birthday 大姐!


I'm so lucky to have a lovely, caring big sister like you~
wish you happy always:)


七月十九日 Jog For Hope

JogForHope 是我校学生一起有心用力,哀了好多星期筹备主办的第一个TCSH大型event。这项event是为了筹钱捐给Spastic Children’s Association of Selangor & Federal Territory (SCAS&FT). 除了Taylor's学生以外,JogForHope也是open给校外的人参与。Taylorian & under 17-RM15;Open male/female& Veteran-RM30。

我,倩敏,孝威和江锋在当天早上大约7am从我家一起出发到我校TCSH排队登记拿号码和free JogForHope T-shirt
赛跑开始前有Sri Hartamas Shopping Center-The Gym的几位教练带我们一起做热身运动
孝威当天跑得很快呢~跑到第九名很厉害哦~so proud of him^^ 他在大约40min就跑完9km了,而我,倩敏和江锋终于跑完6km回来的时候,孝威的汗都已经干了xD 不容易跑eh~因为路途有很多很多斜坡...我们三个只在下斜坡时才拼命跑:P
正在慢步看风景喝水的我们被人拍了照过后才发现他们在拍我们偷懒。。。我还在那儿摆pose给他们拍照tim~ 哈哈xD
瘦瘦的Kavitha得到Taylorian Category第一名,so unexpected! geng!
台后的背景是Roobini(最左)和Lily(最右)用了很多心机把JogForHope的poster剪成小小片,然后用双面胶一张张地把它们慢慢贴上去的,后面放了Yean Ling(second right)的spotlight,开了灯的时候超美的~ Good Job everyone! Two tumbs up!

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